Five Reasons to Write When Publishing Hurts

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Sometimes publishing hurts, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on writing!

Pam gets personal in this special Heart 2 Heart episode of Writes4Women, giving you 5 reasons you should keep writing that DON’T include signing a book contract. If the sometimes fickle publishing industry has you a bit down, have a moment with Pam and find your mojo again


(01:30 - 02:45) Sometimes Publishing Hurts - What Inspired this Episode
(15:08 - 16:57) Reason 1: Writing as Creative Expression
(18:01 - 19:33) Reason 2: The Cathartic Nature of Writing
(19:35 - 20:51) Reason 3: Escaping into Imaginary Worlds
(22:20 - 24:50) Reason 4: Being Part of the Writing Community
(26:05 - 28:17) Reason 5: Writing as an Act of Hope
